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College Rules



1. Identity cards are issued to all full time students and must be carried at all times and present it for inspection when demanded. No student will be allowed to attend the class, practical etc. Unless he/she has his/her identity card with him.

2. Student will be held accountable for any appropriate behaviours or unlawful activity, on or off the campus. Gambling in any form is prohibited in or around the institute campus. Possessing or using illegal drugs, narcotics or drug paraphernalia is absolutely forbidden. Possessing or using alcoholic beverage on institute is strictly prohibited. Student’s action violates institute`s rules and regulations he/she maybe subject to disciplinary action including fines or suspension and even rustication form the institute.

3. Student must not attend the classes other than their own without the permission of lecturers concerned.

4. No student will be allowed to take active part in the current politics.

5. No society shall be formed in the institute and no person invited to address a meeting without the prior permission of the principal. Student shall do nothing either inside or outside the college campus that may in anyway interfere with its orderly admission and discipline.

6. Student must attend theory classes, practical and tutorials and must visit catering establishments and take part in indoor and outdoor catering parties arranged by institutes. Students must not absent themselves for any institutional circular and extracurricular activities without permission, it may lead to shortage of attendance. Each student is required to maintain a minimum of 75% attendance, failing which he/she will not be permitted to appear for the final examination.10% attendance maybe condoned on medical grounds and a medical certificate from a qualified doctor to be submitted to the principal.

7. Conduct of student in their classes as well as on the premises of the institute shall be such that it will not cause disturbance to the fellow student or to other classes. The principal may expel a student whose conduct is not satisfactory and fees be forfeited.

8. Student must not loiter around the institute premises while the classes are at work.

9. Smoking is strictly prohibited in all parts of institute

10. In debates and other meetings the chair must be taken by responsible person approved by the principal and the subjects of the debate must have the approval of principal.

11. No students should communicate any information to or write about matters dealing with the institute`s administration to the press.

12. Students are expected to take proper care of the institute`s property and ought to help in keeping the premises neat and tidy. Any damage done to the property of institute by disfiguring walls, damaging door fittings, or breaking furniture etc. is a breach of discipline and will be duly punished or fined accordingly.

13. If or any reason, the continuance of a student in the institute is in the opinion of the principal,(which shall be final) detrimental to the best in trust of the institute, without explanation of decision and assigning any reason, the student maybe suspended, remove from the college and even rusticated.

14. Absence without leave is considered breach of disciplined and leave without permission is liable to leave will be granted without previous written application except in case of illness or emergency. Prior permission must be obtained for all leaves from the principal/lecturer concerned. Who will consider the application on individual merit.

15. Student should make use of institute’s library during library hours or free hours.

16. Non complaints with rules of institute can also be dealt with by means of suitable fines and disciplinary actions.

17. Name of the student’s continuously absenting themselves for more than six days without permission shall be struck off from the institute’s roles.

18. Educational tours arranged by the institute are compulsory for all the student.

19. Change of address: any change in address of the residential address or correspondence address should be given immediately to the principal in writing.

20. Parking of vehicles should be done within the college premises only at designated area and institute would not be responsible for any loss of vehicle.

21. College authorities will not accept any responsibility for damage to or loss of clothing in any other articles considered as personal property of the student within the college premises.

22. Working on part time jobs are permissible after class hours or weekends permission to be taken from principal with recommendation from the placement cell.

23. Appearing in any other examination except held by institute will also disqualify the student from appearing in annual examination during the course of study at the institute.

24. Ragging is strictly prohibited within and outside the institute’s campus. Any student indulging in ragging will be rusticated without any hearing.

25. Matters not covered by existing rules will rest at the absolute discretion of the principal.


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